Topic: vue3-perfect-scrollbar Security Vulnerability
asked 1 year ago
Expected behavior
no security vulnerabilities reported in npm install
Actual behavior
There is an issue with postcss-import and importing comments that could be malicious.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) -> fork of vue3-perfect-scrollbar with updated dependencies -> github issue reported in main repo
Bartosz Cylwik
answered 1 year ago
Hi! The repository you have linked is not ours.
includes a component that utilizes perfect-scrollbar. You can find it here:
jammerxd2 priority commented 1 year ago
I get that however, your component uses that dependent package which contains a vulnerability. And it seems that developer has abandoned the project as there hasn't been an update to it in some time.
Bartosz Cylwik staff commented 1 year ago
You are right, I'll add this to our list to decide what to do with this issue. Thank you for letting us know
jammerxd2 priority commented 1 year ago
Looks like the package maintainer finally made the update.
Bartosz Cylwik staff commented 1 year ago
Thanks, well check it out!
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