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Topic: Question about button, icon-color and flipping cards

iparker free asked 4 years ago


I have different questions about different components. Would be great to get some help with this.

1.) What is the right was to set a route to a button? I tried something like this but this does not work.

<mdb-btn tag="a" to="/favourites" class="pl-2 pr-3" color="primary" icon="heart" rounded>Favoriten</mdb-btn>

2.) What is the right way to set the color for an icon? When I set an icon-color with color="secondary" it works, but not with color="grey darken-1". Why? And which colors can be set with color and which colors via class?

3.) How can I add a dynamic icon? I tried something like this but this does not works:

4.) My most important question: I want to display multiple rotating cards on one page (like rotating-card-example at But these cards have dynamic content - so I can't set a fix height to the cards. What is the right way to solve this?

Thanks for some help!

Best regards,


Mikołaj Smoleński staff answered 4 years ago

Hi there,

  1. I recommend to wrap mdb-btn component by a router-link, i.e.: <router-link to="/favourites"><mdb-btn>Favourites</mdb-btn></router-link>
  2. There is an ability to set icon color for seven standard Bootstrap colors. To make advanced changes I suggest to use class attribute (class="grey darken-1")
  3. I can't see an example code.
  4. Unfortunately, floating cards work only with fixed height. Only workaround is to write a custom method for getting content height of the card and setting it to the wrapper.

Best regards

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  • ForumUser: Free
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  • Technology: MDB Vue
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