Topic: Option to hide DropDown and Item selection without href tag [VueJS] (Feature Request)

guisup priority asked 2 years ago

Expected behavior:The MDBDropdownToggle in the MDBDropdown component should have an option to hide the arrow icon. And the MDBDropdownItem components to retain their styles and functionality without href tag.

Actual behavior:The drop-down class in the button tag is adding an arrow we do not want to show, and the MDBDropdownItem components lose their styling once the href is no longer in parameter. It would also be nice if we had the option to not use a button; specifically in our case, we just want to show the icon when using the "MDBDropdownToggle".

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.):

We don't want the arrow thereWe don't want the arrow thereWith the href="" tagWith the href=Without the href="" tagWithout the href=

   <MDBDropdown dropstart v-model="actionDropdown">
      <MDBDropdownToggle  @click="actionDropdown = !actionDropdown">
        <MDBIcon icon="ellipsis-h" size="2x" />
      </MDBDropdownToggle >
      <MDBDropdownMenu aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton">
        <MDBDropdownItem @click="goTo('forums/' + fuuid + '/topics/edit/' + tuuid)">Editer la question</MDBDropdownItem >
        <MDBDropdownItem @click="modalOKCancel = true">Supprimer la question</MDBDropdownItem >

Link to the documentation for the VueJS dropdown

We want a simple solution that does not involve modifying the DOM directly using "document.getElementById" or "document.getElementsByClass".

Thank you for hearing us out, and hope that we can find a viable solution to our problem.

Bartosz Cylwik staff answered 2 years ago

Hi! You can hide the arrow by using css. Change the display of before pseudo element to none like this:

.dropdown-toggle::before {
  display: none !important

MDBDropdownItem needs href or tag property for it to work and style properly. If you won't use href then I suggest setting tag prop as a div or something that will work for you. For example:

<MDBDropdownItem tag="div" @click="modalOKCancel = true">Supprimer la question</MDBDropdownItem >

Let us know if that works for you. Best Regards!

guisup priority commented 2 years ago

This helped us, thank you.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: MDB5 3.0.0
  • Device: Asus VivoBook, Dell
  • Browser: Firefox and Chrome
  • OS: Windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes