Topic: Navbar brand and items are not aligned and active item is not highlighted
asked 6 years ago
I copied the example of a navbar into my project. When I ran this the "brand" is lower, in alignment, than the nav items. Also, the "Home" item is not highlighted like in the example.
Here is the template:
Navbar Home Features Pricing
As you can see, the "Home" item should be active and hightlighted but it's not.
Mikołaj Smoleński
answered 6 years ago
Here's the example code for the working navbar:
<mdb-navbar dark color="primary" scrolling>
<!-- mdbNavbar brand -->
<mdb-navbar-brand href="">
<img src="" height="30" alt="">
<mdb-navbar-nav right>
<mdb-nav-item href="#" waves-fixed active>Home</mdb-nav-item>
<mdb-nav-item href="#" waves-fixed>Features</mdb-nav-item>
<mdb-nav-item href="#" waves-fixed>Pricing</mdb-nav-item>
<!-- mdbDropdown -->
<mdb-dropdown tag="li" class="nav-item">
<mdb-dropdown-toggle slot="toggle" tag="a" navLink color="primary" waves-fixed>Dropdown</mdb-dropdown-toggle>
<mdb-dropdown-item>Another action</mdb-dropdown-item>
<mdb-dropdown-item>Something else here</mdb-dropdown-item>
Best regards
khilliard free commented 6 years ago
Much thanks for providing the sample code. I tired it in my demo project. Everything aligns OK and the nav items are right justified the way I wanted. But the "Home" nav item is not highlighted. I ran the code in both chrome and edge browsers.
I'd like to post the code to my App.vue but when I pasted it into this form it appeared to be interpreted and was truncated. How do I paste code sample like you did?
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 6 years ago
You can add code by using the combination ctrl
+ K
There is a working demo for navbar. You can download it from the following page:
After download, please type npm install
and then npm run demo
. You will see that it's working correctly and You can check the code.
Best regards
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