Topic: MDBInput label overlaps with border box when in non-initial MDBTabContent

Riva priority asked 6 months ago

*Expected behavior*Label of MDBInput does not overlap with border when label was previously hidden

*Actual behavior*Label of MDBInput overlaps with border when label was previously hidden

Note: we were using 3.20 but reproduced this in 4.1.1

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)enter image description here

Click This Tab

  <!-- Tabs navs -->
  <!-- Tabs content -->
    <MDBTabPane tab-id="ex6-1">
  <!-- Tabs content -->

Code Snippet:

Bartosz Cylwik staff answered 3 months ago

Hi, I'm coming back to this issue, because there is a workaround for this. To make it work right now, you can add a v-if directive to the input and check whether the tab is active. Our inputs recalculate the middle notch size after every update and after mounting.

  <MDBTabs v-model="activeTabId1">
    <MDBTabNav tabsClasses="mb-3">
      <MDBTabItem tabId="ex1-1" href="ex1-1">Tab #1</MDBTabItem>
      <MDBTabItem tabId="ex1-2" href="ex1-2">Tab #2</MDBTabItem>
      <MDBTabPane tabId="ex1-1">Content #1</MDBTabPane>
      <MDBTabPane tabId="ex1-2"><MDBInput v-if="activeTabId1 === 'ex1-2'" label="test label"/></MDBTabPane>

We are going to add checking whether the notch was calculated on input focus for the next release so that workaround won't be necessary.

Best Regards!

Mateusz Trochonowicz staff answered 6 months ago

Hi, thank you for reporting this bug! We are going to add this to our "to do" list for next release.

Keep coding!

Riva priority answered 6 months ago

It looks like .form-notch-middle is not resizing to accommodate for the label text when a new tab is clicked.

enter image description here

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: MDB5 4.1.1
  • Device: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes