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Devinec premium asked 5 years ago

Trying to set custom colors in _custom-colors.scss which works in a sence. However when I try to use it for a tab it doesnt see it.if I use this


The rendered code shows "tabs-red" and it works and displays red. However if I set a new custom color say "rednew" and adjust the mdb-tabs color

$rednew-lighten-5:  #ffebee !default;
$rednew-lighten-4:  #ffcdd2 !default;
$rednew-lighten-3:  #ef9a9a !default;
$rednew-lighten-2:  #e57373 !default;
$rednew-lighten-1:  #ef5350 !default;
$rednew-base:       #f44336 !default;
$rednew-darken-1:   #e53935 !default;
$rednew-darken-2:   #d32f2f !default;
$rednew-darken-3:   #c62828 !default;
$rednew-darken-4:   #b71c1c !default;
$rednew-accent-1:   #ff8a80 !default;
$rednew-accent-2:   #ff5252 !default;
$rednew-accent-3:   #ff1744 !default;
$rednew-accent-4:   #d50000 !default;

$mdb-colors-1: () !default;
$mdb-colors-1: map-merge(
    "rednew": (
      "lighten-5":  $rednew-lighten-5,
      "lighten-4":  $rednew-lighten-4,
      "lighten-3":  $rednew-lighten-3,
      "lighten-2":  $rednew-lighten-2,
      "lighten-1":  $rednew-lighten-1,
      "base":       $rednew-base,
      "darken-1":   $rednew-darken-1,
      "darken-2":   $rednew-darken-2,
      "darken-3":   $rednew-darken-3,
      "darken-4":   $rednew-darken-4,
      "accent-1":   $rednew-accent-1,
      "accent-2":   $rednew-accent-2,
      "accent-3":   $rednew-accent-3,
      "accent-4":   $rednew-accent-4

the rendered code class will show "tabs-rednew" which doesnt exist.

If I change the name to tabs-rednew then it will show the new color. but I feel that I have just targeted my custom color to just tabs at that point.

Is there a way to create this custom color and have it used like the default set colors??

Magdalena Dembna staff answered 5 years ago

That's because components such as tabs have their own classes which are built based on the colour prop value tabs- prefix. If you have chosen option with scss loaded into your project ( you can try changing one of the existing variables (f.e. default) which should update the colour in all related classes. Kind regards, Magdalena

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  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: 6.1.1
  • Device: desktop
  • Browser: All
  • OS: Any
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No