Topic: All Content is Centered
asked 2 years ago
Expected behavior The documentation indicates everything is left justified Actual behavior Everything is centered.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
This is header 4This is a title:
- Bullet item one
- Bullet Two
- Bullet Three
Results in centered
I've been doing the following for all elements: Left justified.
Any suggestions?
Mateusz Trochonowicz
answered 2 years ago
Hi! Could you provide so more specifics? Which page in documentations causing this problem? But in general for centering to the left you can use flexbox - classes d-flex justify-content-start
on a parent div. About horizontal alignment you can read more here.
Keep coding!
answered 2 years ago
There's no specific documentation stating left-justification. I suspect I'm not following the proper formatting rules.
I attached images of the screen and my code - sorry, I couldn't figure out how to embed the code in the text.
Mateusz Trochonowicz staff commented 2 years ago
In general there is no such thing like justify-content-left - about flexbox and his properties you can read more in huge guide at CSSTrick -
Furtheremore look at my snippet - - (you can use this tool for yourself for showing snippets of codes - like now, for example). There is no need to use flexbox because tag ul does not create additional space.
Try just delete all of your classes and MDBContainer component.
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