Topic: There is a bug in Timepicker on Macbook Safari.

LeeHoLim priority asked 5 months ago

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

<div class="form-outline timepicker" data-mdb-timepicker-init data-mdb-with-icon="false" data-mdb-input-init>
    <input type="text" id="srchStrtTime" name="strtTime" class="form-control" data-mdb-toggle="timepicker" value="12:00 AM" required=""/>
    <label class="form-label" for="srchStrtTime">시작 시간</label>

When using the Safari web browser on a MacBook and the Timepicker's label contains Korean, the time popup does not appear when the initial control is clicked, and the focus must be moved to another control and clicked again to display the time popup.

If the label is set to English and not Korean, it works fine.

LeeHoLim priority answered 5 months ago

Here is a sample of what I was asking about. I′ve reproduced the issue and the link below will take you to the sample page. It′s fine on my macbook chrome, but the problem only occurs on safari browser.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 5 months ago

I cannot access the address from the link. I am redirected to:

LeeHoLim priority commented 5 months ago

Would you like to try connecting again now?

LeeHoLim priority commented 5 months ago

Let us know if you′ve found the problem. We′ll remove the sample code.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately I was able to confirm that it happens in snippet environment too.

Have you tried using timepicker with a toggler button?

LeeHoLim priority commented 5 months ago

We are currently only showing the toggle button to MacBook Safari users to resolve this issue. This was not an issue with MDB 7.x versions. We don't want to use toggle buttons from a design perspective. By any chance, will this be fixed when MDB 8.0.1 is released?

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 5 months ago

We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff answered 5 months ago

I wasn't able to replicate this issue. Does it happen on any other device? Can you replicate this in the snippet or does it happen only in the development environment? Can you try if this is also a problem in the incognito mode?

LeeHoLim priority commented 5 months ago

hello. I created a test page to reproduce the issue and will share it soon.

LeeHoLim priority commented 5 months ago

Here is a sample of what I was asking about. I′ve reproduced the issue and the link below will take you to the sample page. It′s fine on my macbook chrome, but the problem only occurs on safari browser.

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 8.0.0
  • Device: Desktop
  • Browser: Safari 605.1.15
  • OS: Mac 15.0
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No