Topic: Mdbootstrap - django - htmx

eirik_nordbo priority asked 6 months ago

Hi. I am building an app in Django and using mdbootstrap in the front. To make the app run smoothly i use htmx, but i am running into problems with the mdbootstrap elements because of the init. How can i solve this? Is it possible to use htmx and mdbootstrap alongside?

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

jaake free answered 4 months ago

Thanks, Kamila. I had much the same question.

Can you tell me how to initiate the elements with JS?

For comparison, I had a similar problem using moment and htmx. To fix that, I call "flask_moment_render_all" after the htmx swap. Can you tell me the corresponding JS function for mdb init?

... hx-on::after-swap="flask_moment_render_all()">

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 4 months ago

Every component have JS init example in Usage section of API Tab. Example for select:

Alternatively you can use getOrCreateInstance method on every f.e. select on the page after you add content that way only select components that weren't initialized before.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff answered 6 months ago

Yes it is possible. But elements that are added after pageload need to be initiated with JS, since autoinit is performed on the pageload.

benjamin24 priority commented 2 months ago

how exactly is this done? I am facing the same problem. Htmx is hard to combine with MDB. My first approach was this below and it worked but I have select Boxes that send htmx requests and initializing the mdb.Select after such a request leads to an error:

    // Start observing the document body for changes
    observer.observe(document.body, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

 // Iterate over each attribute and initialize the corresponding component
        Object.keys(mdbAttributeMap).forEach(attribute => {
            initializeMDBComponent(attribute, mdbAttributeMap[attribute], target);

    function initializeMDBComponent(attribute, ComponentClass, target) {
        target.querySelectorAll(`[${attribute}]`).forEach(el => {
            new ComponentClass(el);

function initializeMDBComponents(target) {
        const mdbAttributeMap = {
            'data-mdb-collapse-init': mdb.Collapse, // Accordion, Collapse
            'data-mdb-alert-init': mdb.Alert, // Alert
            'data-mdb-button-init': mdb.Button, // Button
            'data-mdb-carousel-init': mdb.Carousel, // Carousel
            'data-mdb-dropdown-init': mdb.Dropdown, // Dropdown
            'data-mdb-input-init': mdb.Input, // Input
            'data-mdb-modal-init': mdb.Modal, // Modal
            'data-mdb-popover-init': mdb.Popover, // Popovers
            'data-mdb-range-init': mdb.Range, // Range
            'data-mdb-ripple-init': mdb.Ripple, // Ripple
            'data-mdb-scrollspy-init': mdb.Scrollspy, // Scrollspy
            'data-mdb-tab-init': mdb.Tab, // Tabs
            'data-mdb-pill-init': mdb.Pill, // Pills
            'data-mdb-toast-init': mdb.Toast, // Toast
            'data-mdb-tooltip-init': mdb.Tooltip, // Tooltip
            'data-mdb-chart-init': mdb.Chart, // Charts
            'data-mdb-chips-input-init': mdb.ChipsInput, // Chips
            'data-mdb-chip-init': mdb.Chip, // Chip
            'data-mdb-datatable-init': mdb.Datatable, // Datatable
            'data-mdb-datetimepicker-init': mdb.Datetimepicker, // Datetimepicker
            'data-mdb-datepicker-init': mdb.Datepicker, // Datepicker
            'data-mdb-loading-init': mdb.Loading, // Loading management
            'data-mdb-multi-range-slider-init': mdb.MultiRangeSlider, // Multi Range
            'data-mdb-select-init': mdb.Select, // Select
            'data-mdb-timepicker-init': mdb.Timepicker, // Timepicker
            'data-mdb-animation-init': mdb.Animation, // Animate
            'data-mdb-clipboard-init': mdb.Clipboard, // Clipboard
            'data-mdb-infinite-scroll-init': mdb.InfiniteScroll, // Infinite Scroll
            'data-mdb-lazy-load-init': mdb.LazyLoad, // Lazy Load
            'data-mdb-lightbox-init': mdb.Lightbox, // Lightbox
            'data-mdb-navbar-init': mdb.Navbar, // Navbar
            'data-mdb-perfect-scrollbar-init': mdb.PerfectScrollbar, // Perfect Scrollbar
            'data-mdb-popconfirm-init': mdb.Popconfirm, // Popconfirm
            'data-mdb-rating-init': mdb.Rating, // Rating
            'data-mdb-sidenav-init': mdb.Sidenav, // Sidenav
            'data-mdb-smooth-scroll-init': mdb.SmoothScroll, // Smooth Scroll
            'data-mdb-stepper-init': mdb.Stepper, // Stepper
            'data-mdb-sticky-init': mdb.Sticky, // Sticky
            'data-mdb-touch-init': mdb.Touch, // Touch
            'data-mdb-calendar-init': mdb.Calendar, // Calendar
            'data-mdb-captcha-init': mdb.Captcha, // Captcha
            'data-mdb-color-picker-init': mdb.ColorPicker, // Color Picker
            'data-mdb-countdown-init': mdb.Countdown, // Countdown
            'data-mdb-draggable-init': mdb.Draggable, // Drag And Drop
            'data-mdb-sortable-init': mdb.Sortable, // Drag And Drop - Sortable
            'data-mdb-dummy-init': mdb.Dummy, // Dummy
            'data-mdb-ecommerce-gallery-init': mdb.EcommerceGallery, // Ecommerce Gallery
            'data-mdb-file-upload-init': mdb.FileUpload, // File Upload
            'data-mdb-input-mask-init': mdb.InputMask, // Input Mask
            'data-mdb-mention-init': mdb.Mention, // Mention
            'data-mdb-multi-carousel-init': mdb.MultiCarousel, // Multi Item Carousel
            'data-mdb-onboarding-init': mdb.Onboarding, // Onboarding
            'data-mdb-parallax-init': mdb.Parallax, // Parallax
            'data-mdb-scroll-status-init': mdb.ScrollStatus, // Scroll Status
            'data-mdb-table-editor-init': mdb.TableEditor, // Table Editor
            'data-mdb-treetable-init': mdb.Treetable, // TreeTable
            'data-mdb-treeview-init': mdb.Treeview, // Treeview
            'data-mdb-vector-map-init': mdb.VectorMap, // Vector Maps
            'data-mdb-wysiwyg-init': mdb.Wysiwyg // WYSIWYG Editor

benjamin24 priority commented 2 months ago

Also, data-mdb-file-upload-init does not work with htmx even with my solution above

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 2 months ago

Are you sure the code you sent was added correctly? it looks as if function initializeMDBComponents(target) was supposed to be at the beginning, not at the end.

Do you have any errors in the console?

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 7.2.0
  • Device: Pc
  • Browser: Edge
  • OS: Windows 11
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No