Topic: mdbbootstrap5 simple page truncated
asked 4 years ago
Responsive full page to be displayedPage is truncated top and bottom
The top should read "The New Inn, Pembridge" and the bottom should have two short text sentences.
See is the new mdb bootstrap5 basic introduction page slightly modified.
Michal Szymanski
answered 4 years ago
Remove inline styles style="height: 100vh;"
oldcelt free commented 4 years ago
Sorry for not engaging brain and rushing through what should have been a simple mod to the demo page for MDBootstarp 5. I was using it to try out the latest Bootstrap version.
Thank you for your help; I'll be a bit more circumspect in future.
Michal Szymanski staff commented 4 years ago
That's fine ;) Have fun coding with MDB 5
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