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Topic: How to add chips programatically ?

SKONSOFT priority asked 2 years ago

Expected behavior

I want to add chips when selecting on ajax autocomplete result.

Actual behavior

  • Autocomplete OK
  • Creating chips by adding HTML code is OK
  • When try to delete a chip, the remove button not work

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

    const localisationAutoComplete = document.querySelector('#localisationFilter .localisationInput');
    const localisationAsyncFilter = async (query) => {
        var path = $(localisationAutoComplete).data('path');
        const url = path + `/${encodeURI(query)}`;
        const response = await fetch(url);
        const data = await response.json();
        return data.results;
    new mdb.Autocomplete(localisationAutoComplete, {
        filter: localisationAsyncFilter,
        displayValue: (value) =>,
        threshold: 2,
        itemContent: (result) => {
            return `
  <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-content">
    <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-title">${}</div>
    <div class="autocomplete-custom-item-subtitle">${result.type}</div>
        customContent: `<div class="autocomplete-custom-content"></div>`,
    localisationAutoComplete.addEventListener('itemSelect.mdb.autocomplete', (event) => {
        const localisationChips = document.querySelector('#localisationFilter .localisationChips');
        localisationChips.innerHTML += `<div class="chip " data-mdb-close="true">${} <i class="close fas fa-times"></i></div>`;

enter image description here

When i use the API as described in documentation:


I got the error:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).chips is not a function

Michał Duszak staff answered 2 years ago

I investigated this issue and this case was not expected.

I assigned the close button a class of .chips-dynamic-close so then I can add custom event listener:

containerEl.innerHTML += htmlTemplate;
const actualChipCloseBtn = document.querySelectorAll('.chip-dynamic-close')
actualChipCloseBtn.forEach(button => {
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {

Here is the snippet:

SKONSOFT priority commented 2 years ago

It works !

Thank you.

SKONSOFT priority answered 2 years ago


I tried your code above and it did not work too. I got this error:

Uncaught TypeError: mdb.chipsInput is not a constructor

Perhapas the MDB files are not imported correctly ? I use webpack and encore js to manage assets files.

Here is what i had put in my app.js (webpack)

$ and jQuery variablesglobal.$ = global.jQuery = $;

import * as mdb from 'mdb-ui-kit'; // lib//import multiCarousel from 'mdb-ui-kit/src/plugins/multi-carousel/js/multi-carousel'; // plugin multicarousel

window.mdb = mdb // add lib as a global object

import { MultiCarousel } from 'mdb-ui-kit'; // module

window.MultiCarousel = MultiCarousel // add lib as a global object

Michał Duszak staff answered 2 years ago

If creating an instance of Autocomplete worked for you, I guess your MDB5 files are appended correctly. Try below instead:

const chipsInput = new mdb.chipsInput(document.getElementById('chipsInputid'))

Michał Duszak staff commented 2 years ago

If above initialization didn't work for you. please recreate this issue in a snippet at

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 1.0.0
  • Device: web
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes