Topic: Datepicker SK
asked 4 years ago
Please help. I want to use your datepicker, as completely localized into the Slovak language. My question - the request is: How to set up a small calendar to select a date so that the series started on Monday? (1 day a week is Monday).
Thank you in advance. My demo = how to finish?
-------------SK--------- Prosím pomôžte. Chcem použiť váš dátumovač, ktorý je úplne lokalizovaný do slovenského jazyka. Moja otázka - žiadosť je: Ako nastaviť malý kalendár na výber dátumu tak, aby sa séria začala v pondelok? (1 deň v týždni je pondelok).
Vopred ďakujem.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 4 years ago
Such an option is currently not available in the component, we will take a closer look at that and add this feature as soon as possible.
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