Topic: dataTable not working

LAGIER priority asked 3 months ago

Expected behavior Hello, As I have connection problems to the MDB server, and as I also can't find the solution, could you help me solve a dataTables problem. With MDB 4 I had no problem creating tables, but MDB 5 gives me several problems. I use the Basic Example template, because the data in the table has links to other pages. 1- I would like to add a search box to this table, but I can't find the necessary JS and CSS components in the Kit. 2- The design changes for the table are not taken into account: Actual behavior

3- : , "**bg-primary**" is not taken into account 4- Commons , "th-sm" and others are not taken into account I know that one Design problem comes from a CSS. I tried several CSS, but no change: - , - - - - **Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)** CSS: JS: // Initialization for ES Users import { Datatable, initMDB } from "mdb-ui-kit"; initMDB({ Datatable }); TABLE: Communes Communes Communes Abondance Alby-sur Cheran Alex Alleves Allinges Allonzier-la-Caille Amancy Ambilly Amphion Andilly Annecy Annecy-le-Vieux Annemasse Anthy-sur-Leman Araches Arbusigny Archamps Arenthon Argentière Argonay Armoy Arthaz-Pt-Notre-Dame Aviernoz Avoriaz Avully Ayse Ballaison Bassy Beaumont Bellevaux Bernex Bloye Bluffy Bogeve Bonne-sur-Menoge Bonnevaux Bonneville Bons-en-Chablais Bossey Boussy Brenthonne Brizon Burdignin Cercier Cernex Chainaz-les-Frasses Challonges Chamonix Champanges Chapeiry Chatel Chatillon-sur-Cluses Chaumont Chavanod Chessenaz Chens-sur-Leman Chevaline Chevrier Choisy Clarafond Cluses Collonges-sous-Saleve Combloux Contamine-Sarzin Contamine-sur-Arve Copponex Cordon Cran-Gevrier Cranves-Sales Crempigny Cruseilles Cusy Cuvat Demi-Quartier Dingy-en-Vuache Dingy-Saint-Clair Domancy Doussard Douvaine Draillant Droisy Drouzin Drumettaz Duingt Eloise Entremont Entrevernes Epagny Esery Essert-Romand Etercy Etrembieres Evian Evires Excenevex Faucigny Faverges Feigères Fessy Feternes Flaine Frangy Gaillard Fillinges Giez Gruffy . . HAbere-Lullin Habere-Poche Hauteville-sur-Fier Hery-sur-Alby La Balme de Sillingy La Bame de Thuy La Chapelle d Abondance La Chapelle Rambaud La Chapelle Saint Maurice La Clusaz La Cote D Arbroz La Forclaz La Roche-sur-Foron Larringes Lathuile La Vernaz Le Biot Le Bouchet Le Grand-Bornand Le Petit-Bornand Le Praz de Lys Le Reposoir Les Carroz Lescheraines Leschaux Les Clefs Les Contamines Les Gets Les Houches Les Villards-sur-Thones Loisin Lornay Lovagny Lucinges Lugrin Lullin Lully Lyaud Machilly Magland Manigod Marcellaz Marcellaz-Albanais Margencel Marignier Marigny Saint Marcel Marin Marlioz Marnaz Massingy Massongy Maxilly-sur-Leman Megève Megevette Meillerie Menthon-Saint-Bernard Menthonnex-en-Bornes Menthonnex-sous-Clermont Messery Mieussy Minzier Metz-Tessy Meythet Monnetier-Mornex Montagny Montmin Mont-Saxonnex Montriond Morillon Morzine Moye Mures Musieges Mesigny Nancy sur Cluses Naves Parmelan Nernier Neuvecelle Neydens Nonglard Novel Onnion Orcier Passy Peillonex Perrignier Pers-Jussy Praz-de-Lys Praz-sur-Arly Presilly Pringy Publier Quintal Reignier Reyvroz Rumilly Saint-Andre de Boege Saint-Blaise Saint-Cergues Saint-Eusebe Saint-Eustache Saint-Felix Saint-Ferreol Saint-Gervais Saint-Gingolph Saint-Germain-sur-Rhone Saint-Jean d Aulps Saint-Jean de Sixt Saint-Jean de Tholome Saint-Jeoire en Faucigny Saint-Jorioz Saint-Julien-en-Genevois Saint-Laurent Saint-Martin de Bellevue Saint-Nicolas de Veroce Saint-Paul-en-Chablais Saint-Pierre-en-Faucigny Saint-Sigismond Saint-Sixt Saint-Sylvestre Sales Sallanches Sallenoves Samoens Savigny Saxel Scientrier Sciez Scionzier Serraval Servoz Sevrier Seynod Seyssel Seythenex Seytroux Sillingy Sixt-Fer a Cheval Sommand Talloires Taninges Thollon-les-Memises Thones Thonon-les-Bains Thiez Thusy Usinens Vacheresse Vailly Val de Chaise Val de Fier Valleiry Vallieres Vallorcine Vanzy Vaulx Veigy-Foncenex Verchaix Vers Versonnex Vetraz-Monthoux Veyrier-du-Lac Villars-sur-Boege Villards-sur-Thones Villaz Ville-en-Sallaz Ville-la-Grand Villy-le-Pelloux Viry Viuz-en-Sallaz Viuz-la-Chesiaz Vougy Vovray-en-Bornes Vulbens Yenne Yvoire   Communes Communes Communes

enter image description here

LAGIER priority commented 3 months ago

MDB 5 Version 8.1 Windows 11

LAGIER priority answered 2 months ago

Hello Kamilia, Thank you for providing support during the holidays. 1. I saw the example you gave me with the search box: But is it possible to include in the JavaScript data a link that directs to another page of the site or to a website outside my site? If so, what is the method ?

Thank you

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 2 months ago

I don't understand. Where do you want to include a JS link. Please, describe the use case you have in mind.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff answered 2 months ago

  1. Here is an example af datatable with search:

  2. I don't understand what you mean by that.

  3. No it is not. We provide CSS and SCSS variabes to allow visual customization.
  4. Table sm can be set with dedicated option, I don't know what you mean by others.

LAGIER priority commented 2 months ago

Hello Kamila,

In the table there is the HTML part:


and the JAVASCRIPT part with all the data that appears on the screen. I take only one line from your example that you gave me: -

rows: [ ["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "61", "2011/04/25", "$320,800"], ["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "63", "2011/07/25", "$170,750"], etc......

How do you make a link with data from JAVASCRIPT Tiger Nixon Garrett Winters etc.... Thanks

Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 2 months ago

I don't understand what do you mean by 'How do you make a link with data'.

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No