Topic: Bootstrap 5 & MD 2.0 Colors

MarcCaruso free asked 4 years ago


I am trying Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 (I have purchased an advanced subscription).

I would like to use the colors from the full pallet available in, but I didn't really catch what I have to do...

Your documentation send us to the following file: scss/free/_variables.scss.But what is the deal with this file? is it already loaded? Did I have to copy it somewhere else? What I have to do with?

For example, if I want to use the "purple 300" (#BA68C8) color for both text and background usage, what I have to do?

Thanks in advance for clarifying this point.

Kind Regards.


Marta Wierzbicka free answered 4 years ago


when you have installed Webpack with MDB 5, it will be very easy to use these colors from a full palette. Here you have our "Webpack starter" with the configured compilation of the SCSS files if you have a problem with compilation.


1) in your project, run the npm start command

2) go to the scss/ file and on the bottom of the page paste this code:

@import "./custom/styles";

3) go to the scss/custom/_styles.scss file and paste code like this:

body { background-color: $purple-300; color: $purple-300;}

4) compile your new styles to the mdb.css file by running this command: npm run build.

In this way, you can use all our colors variables.

Is this solve your problem? If not, please don't hesitate to write to me and I will try to help you more.

Best, Marta

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  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: 2.0.0
  • Device: Mac
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7
  • Provided sample code: No
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