mark-steven-au premium asked 4 years ago

*_Expected behavior_*Build and deploy via AWS a project that includes a MDB Pro tokenSite builds and deploys*_Actual behavior_*Build project locally - works fine - deploy to github - seems to work fine -auto deploy to AWS - deploy works then build fails seemingly waiting for the MDB build. AWS engineers established it seems to be MDB Pro will not load into project thus failing the whole build.This test is using the MDB boilerplate with a couple of text changes only.*_Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)_*Can someone please tell me a way around this or do I need to not use MDB in order for this to work due to these token errors? the deploy uses NPM Ci.

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 4 years ago

are you using this gatsby template?

mark-steven-au premium answered 4 years ago

Hi Piotr,Think I have worked it out for a number of scenarios.Seems if you use default NPM commands to load the project in any form it somehow breaks the project if you want to use it to deploy on aws with authentication. If instead you build exactly the same project but using yarn for all installs etc it works. Or at least for me it did and I did it to 4 projects just to be sure..One other gotcha is to make sure you put "yarn install --ignore-engines" in the build yml template as it will hang if the engines do not match. It seems to stem from a miss match between graphql and npm in latest versions so down the road it might get fixed. Im posting this so the next person does not spend 7 days getting a boiler plate to work like I just did

mark-steven-au premium answered 4 years ago

Yes default template not even with any text changes. Simply added the Pro addition to test if it would work

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.27.0
  • Device: IOS
  • Browser: IOS
  • OS: Github
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes