Topic: MDBDataTable keeps going pack to first Page if clicking on checkbox

Viktoria Bock free asked 4 years ago

Expected behavior

I'm i.e. on page 2 of my table and click on a checkbox inside the table. I would expect to stay on page 2.

Actual behavior

After clicking on a checkbox inside the table, it always jumps back to the first page.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

class App extends Component {
state = {
    checked: ['checkbox1', 'checkbox2', 'checkbox3']

toggleCheck = e => {
    let checkedArr = this.state.checked;
    checkedArr.filter(name => name ===[0]
        ? checkedArr = checkedArr.filter(name => name !==
        : checkedArr.push(;
    this.setState({ checked: checkedArr })

isChecked = id => this.state.checked.filter(name => name === id)[0] ? true : false

render() {
    const data = {
        columns: [
                label: 'Check',
                field: 'check',
                sort: 'disabled',
                width: 20
                label: 'Name',
                field: 'name',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 150
                label: 'Position',
                field: 'position',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 270
                label: 'Office',
                field: 'office',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 200
                label: 'Age',
                field: 'age',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 100
                label: 'Start date',
                field: 'date',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 150
                label: 'Salary',
                field: 'salary',
                sort: 'asc',
                width: 100
        rows: [
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox1' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox1')} />,
                name: 'Tiger Nixon',
                position: 'System Architect',
                office: 'Edinburgh',
                age: '61',
                date: '2011/04/25',
                salary: '$320'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox2' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox2')} />,
                name: 'Garrett Winters',
                position: 'Accountant',
                office: 'Tokyo',
                age: '63',
                date: '2011/07/25',
                salary: '$170'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox3' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox3')} />,
                name: 'Ashton Cox',
                position: 'Junior Technical Author',
                office: 'San Francisco',
                age: '66',
                date: '2009/01/12',
                salary: '$86'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox4' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox4')} />,
                name: 'Cedric Kelly',
                position: 'Senior Javascript Developer',
                office: 'Edinburgh',
                age: '22',
                date: '2012/03/29',
                salary: '$433'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox5' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox5')} />,
                name: 'Airi Satou',
                position: 'Accountant',
                office: 'Tokyo',
                age: '33',
                date: '2008/11/28',
                salary: '$162'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox6' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox6')} />,
                name: 'Brielle Williamson',
                position: 'Integration Specialist',
                office: 'New York',
                age: '61',
                date: '2012/12/02',
                salary: '$372'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox7' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox7')} />,
                name: 'Herrod Chandler',
                position: 'Sales Assistant',
                office: 'San Francisco',
                age: '59',
                date: '2012/08/06',
                salary: '$137'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox8' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox8')} />,
                name: 'Rhona Davidson',
                position: 'Integration Specialist',
                office: 'Tokyo',
                age: '55',
                date: '2010/10/14',
                salary: '$327'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox9' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox9')} />,
                name: 'Colleen Hurst',
                position: 'Javascript Developer',
                office: 'San Francisco',
                age: '39',
                date: '2009/09/15',
                salary: '$205'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox10' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox10')} />,
                name: 'Sonya Frost',
                position: 'Software Engineer',
                office: 'Edinburgh',
                age: '23',
                date: '2008/12/13',
                salary: '$103'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox11' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox11')} />,
                name: 'Jena Gaines',
                position: 'Office Manager',
                office: 'London',
                age: '30',
                date: '2008/12/19',
                salary: '$90'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox1' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox12')} />,
                name: 'Quinn Flynn',
                position: 'Support Lead',
                office: 'Edinburgh',
                age: '22',
                date: '2013/03/03',
                salary: '$342'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox13' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox13')} />,
                name: 'Charde Marshall',
                position: 'Regional Director',
                office: 'San Francisco',
                age: '36',
                date: '2008/10/16',
                salary: '$470'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox14' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox14')} />,
                name: 'Haley Kennedy',
                position: 'Senior Marketing Designer',
                office: 'London',
                age: '43',
                date: '2012/12/18',
                salary: '$313'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox15' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox15')} />,
                name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick',
                position: 'Regional Director',
                office: 'London',
                age: '19',
                date: '2010/03/17',
                salary: '$385'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox16' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox16')} />,
                name: 'Michael Silva',
                position: 'Marketing Designer',
                office: 'London',
                age: '66',
                date: '2012/11/27',
                salary: '$198'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox17' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox17')} />,
                name: 'Paul Byrd',
                position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)',
                office: 'New York',
                age: '64',
                date: '2010/06/09',
                salary: '$725'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox18' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox18')} />,
                name: 'Gloria Little',
                position: 'Systems Administrator',
                office: 'New York',
                age: '59',
                date: '2009/04/10',
                salary: '$237'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox19' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox19')} />,
                name: 'Bradley Greer',
                position: 'Software Engineer',
                office: 'London',
                age: '41',
                date: '2012/10/13',
                salary: '$132'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox20' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox20')} />,
                name: 'Dai Rios',
                position: 'Personnel Lead',
                office: 'Edinburgh',
                age: '35',
                date: '2012/09/26',
                salary: '$217'
                check: <MDBInput label=' ' type='checkbox' id='checkbox21' onClick={this.toggleCheck} checked={this.isChecked('checkbox21')} />,
                name: 'Jenette Caldwell',
                position: 'Development Lead',
                office: 'New York',
                age: '30',
                date: '2011/09/03',
                salary: '$345'

    return <MDBDataTable striped bordered hover data={data} />;

} export default App;

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 4 years ago

Hi, we dont have an example with checkboxes so you have to do for your own at the moment but we will rewrite this component soon and we will try to add this funcionality. Have a nice day

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.23.0
  • Device: Computer
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No