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Topic: MDB React Pro Select

abhilashswe pro asked 6 years ago

MDB React Pro - Select is not working.

<Select getValue={this.getIndustry} multiple color="primary">
	<SelectInput selected="Choose your option"></SelectInput>
		<SelectOption disabled>Choose your option</SelectOption>
		<SelectOption>Health Care</SelectOption>

abhilashswe pro commented 6 years ago

Any solution for this? So pathetic support system here for PRO customers.

abhilashswe pro commented 6 years ago

Any solution for this? So pathetic support system here for PRO customers.

Anna Morawska staff answered 6 years ago

I've checked it, and Select component works perfectly fine within Card component. Please provide us with working example. Sorry, but we really can't guess what breaks your app.

abhilashswe pro answered 6 years ago

No error message. the select box doesn't show up. I am using <MDBCardBody cascade> as the container to wrap the Select box. Since the page is a dashboard of our app it uses "SideNav" and "Bootstrap Navbar" in the header. Something to do with SideNav and Navbar I guess.

Anna Morawska staff answered 6 years ago

Hi there, could you provide us with more information? I've just checked it by copy-paste your code, and it works fine. What error/warning message says? Best, Ania

abhilashswe pro commented 6 years ago

Hi, Any solution from your side? It's a blocker for me.

Anna Morawska staff commented 6 years ago

As I've just said we are not able to recreate this problem. If you want us to help you please send me a working example. It 's my email: We will try to help you as soon as possible.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.7.1
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Mozilla
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No