Topic: autoprefixer: Replace color-adjust to print-color-adjust.

markapiado priority asked 2 years ago

Package: mdb5-react-ui-kit-pro-advanced

Note: I did an npm audit fix and I received this warning.

From package.json

"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-scripts": "^5.0.1",
"web-vitals": "^2.1.4"

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) enter image description here

Krzysztof Wilk staff commented 2 years ago


Thanks for reporting that. We should fix that in the next release :)

Aakash Banerjee priority commented 1 year ago

I am getting this for Angular MDB5 as well. Was this fixed? Or is there anything that I can do to get rid of this warning?

./node_modules/mdb5-angular-ui-kit-pro-essential/assets/scss/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss.webpack[javascript/auto]!=!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[6].rules[0].oneOf[0].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[6].rules[0].oneOf[0].use[2]!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[6].rules[1].use[0]!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[6].rules[1].use[1]!./node_modules/mdb5-angular-ui-kit-pro-essential/assets/scss/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss - Warning: Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js): Warning

(2202:3) autoprefixer: Replace color-adjust to print-color-adjust. The color-adjust shorthand is currently deprecated.

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 1 year ago

Which version are you using exactly? This has been fixed in version 4.0.0 and the error should no longer occur.

Joxte free commented 1 year ago

I am getting the same warning, i have mdb-react-ui-kit@5.1.0

Grzegorz Bujański staff commented 1 year ago

We will check our styles again and try to fix it.

gauravjangam free commented 1 year ago

I am getting the same warning.

negritoBello free answered 1 year ago

Getting the same error using "mdb-react-ui-kit": "^5.1.0", "react": "^18.2.0", "react-scripts": "5.0.1" and "web-vitals": "^3.1.1"

Juan Sebastian Bowers free commented 1 year ago

Was this warning resolved yet?

Mateusz Lazaru staff commented 1 year ago

The warning may still appear, but we'll soon release a new version with updated styles and the issue will be finally fixed.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: MDB5 3.0.0
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No