Topic: sideNav collapsible-header not expanding

Clincoln pro asked 7 years ago

I did a cut-n-paste of the side-nav-fixed-navbar-fixed sample. It is rendering ok, but I can not get any of the sections to expand on mouse click. They do wave/ripple. Also, when in a mobile view, clicking in the main view port area of my app does not collapse the sideNav like it does in the demo.  This may be related to the above problem. I do have a call to $(\\\".button-collapse\\\").sideNav();My jquery version is 3.2.1

Clincoln pro commented 7 years ago

My front-end JS framework (Ember) was including jQuery, but later than what was needed to initialize/be used by MDB/bootstrap. In my ember-cli-build.js where I was importing BS and MBD from my vendor folder, I just needed to add an app.import(...path-to-jQuery...) ahead of the MDB imports.

Clincoln pro answered 7 years ago

I had two instances of jQuery bad. It's an ember thing...I got it going again.

rjdavid pro answered 7 years ago

I'm also encountering this. MDB version: 4.4.1 Bootstrap version: 4.0.0-beta

Clincoln pro answered 7 years ago

Including jQuery.js prior to mdb fixed the collabsible behavior, but now the hamburger isn't working.  I am getting the dreaded .sideNav() is not a function error on the initialization call. $('.button-collapse') is selecting the correct anchor.    

Mirosław Stasiak free commented 7 years ago

Which version of MDB and Bootstrap are you using?

Clincoln pro commented 7 years ago

MDB Pro 4.4.1 *The version of Bootstrap that came with the download of MDBPro. It reports to be v4.0.0-beta, but what I do not know is if MDB is doing a custom build and placing that in the download distribution. --In all of my own troubleshooting, I do think I tried the stock v4.0.0-beta of Bootstrap directly from a bower install with no improvement.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No