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Topic: Select does not work in Stepper

nimbus free asked 5 years ago

Expected behavior

When select has more than 5 options in a stepper , the select should still work

Actual behavior select stop working with more than 5 options

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago

This is the head: enter image description here Links before body tag: enter image description here And result: enter image description here

The code of stepper with multiselect is copied from your snippet.


nimbus free answered 5 years ago

I do not think it is the snippet system problem. I can send you a standalone html file if you want. It behaves exactly as the snippet.

Please note the problem happens when SELECT in STEPPER.

Can you please send me a html file that actually works with SELECT in STEPPER ?


nimbus free answered 5 years ago

I do not think it is the snippet system problem. I can send you a standalone html file if you want. It behaves exactly as the snippet.

Please note the problem happens when SELECT in STEPPER.

Can you please send me a html file that actually works with SELECT in STEPPER ?


Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago


enter image description here

We have an issue with the addons in our snippets, but select with more then 5 options should works in your mdb pro project. I used your code in my project (at the photo). Our team will fix this snippet issue as soon as possible.


nimbus free answered 5 years ago

The snippet is edit with scripts / css assetsYou can now see that it does not work properly

  • card height is not correctly calculated
  • select does not work with more than 5 options

Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago


enter image description here

I used your code in my project and I can use select with 6 options and more. Did you link css and js steper files in your project? Check out documentation:


nimbus free commented 5 years ago

The snippet is edit with scripts / css assetsYou can now see that it does not work properly

card height is not correctly calculated
select does not work with more than 5 options

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.8.11
  • Device: Mac
  • Browser: Firefox
  • OS: Mac
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes