Topic: quote marks in materialSelect appear as " (the html entity, rather than the symbol)
asked 6 years ago
I have an issue with material select drop down. what the <option> (not the value, but rather the label of the option) has a quote mark in it, it appears as " in the material version of the select.
see here for an example:
This seems to happen even if i user server.HTMLEncode on the server side of the option label (which should not be needed in standard HTML anyway)
What can be done to solve this?
PS: i want to stress that in 4.5 this was not the case - it shows correctly. only in 4.6 does it show the html entity rather than the actual symbol
answered 6 years ago
ok - its very important, as it looks bad (and essentially its something that broke in the last version)
Sebastian Kaczmarek
answered 6 years ago
Currently, we have not any quick workaround for this. We'll work on that and try to fix it as soon as possible
Kneidels pro commented 6 years ago
Any news on this fix? Thanks
Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 6 years ago
We plan to fix all urgent issues with material select (as this one) before the end of the March
Kneidels pro commented 6 years ago
Great thank you
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