Topic: material_select with orign class definitions

AGoerlich free asked 6 years ago

after initiatlisation of ".material_select()" they lost the origin classes!

Start your code here
<select multiple="" class="mdb-select colorful-select dropdown-primary m-2 p-2 toolbar select_brand initialized" searchable="Search here..">
<option value="" disabled="" selected="">Choose your brand</option>
<option class="excluded" data-state="excluded" id="filter_brand_15" data-filter="brand" data-elemnumber="15" value="1euro">1euro</option>


Start your code here
<ul id="select-options-885994ca-f697-4ffb-87a3-1d9ec1d895f2" class="dropdown-content select-dropdown multiple-select-dropdown">
<span class="search-wrap"><div class="md-form"><input type="text" class="search form-control" placeholder="Search here.."></div></span>
<li class="disabled "><span class="filtrable"><input type="checkbox" disabled=""><label></label>Choose your brand</span></li>
<li class=""><span class="filtrable"><input type="checkbox"><label></label>1euro</span></li>

but i need my classes for special styling !


Jakub Strebeyko staff answered 6 years ago

Hi there, Welcome to our Support Board! Yes, the select is destroying everything it consists of and replaces it with li elements. To address the newly created elements and be able to apply CSS classes I suggest using CSS pseudo-classes or a custom JS script enriching the just-born select contents with the desired styling run just after the material_select init. With Best Regards, Kuba

AGoerlich free commented 6 years ago

Ok? but this a hack ... ? Where can i find the API docu for that? Like: $()material_select({ complete: function() { //do something } });

Jakub Strebeyko staff commented 6 years ago

Docs for Material Select. We do not have lifecycle hooks methods support as of the time being.

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