Topic: Left and right sidenav
asked 7 years ago
I currently have the fixed navbar with the hidden sidebar working from the right side of the page.
I'd like to have another sidebar nav menu on the left side. How would I set that up html / js wise?
I'm using the latest 4.4.5 jQuery version. Thanks in advance for your help.
answered 7 years ago
Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Hello winitserver2018, You can change background color of sidenav by adding proper color class to the element . For example, if you want to get sidenav with green color, please modify class of your element like following: If you need more help with Angular, please open a ticket in Angular category, or search already opened tickets for answer or post comment if proper ticket. Best Regards, Damian
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
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<h5>2. Fixed Navbar. It will always stay visible on the top, even when you scroll down.</h5>
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Javascript code inserted into the script:
edge: 'right', // Choose the horizontal origin
closeOnClick: true // Closes side-nav on clicks, useful for Angular/Meteor
amelcher pro commented 7 years ago
Thank you for the help. For those who also want both a left and right sidebar nav I also added this to slide the left sidenav in and out and create a separate button to control the function: 1. Added a new button in horizontal nav bar with the class .button-collapse-left 2. then added some jquery to bottom of page that contains the sidebar html : jQuery('.button-collapse-left').click(function(e){ jQuery('#slide-out1').toggleClass('open'); }); 3. added .left-aligned class to second navbar with id #slide-out1 and removed fixed class from same id. 4. and then finally some css: .side-nav.left-aligned{left: 0;right: auto;transform: translateX(-100%);transition-property: all;transition-property: transform;transition-duration:0.7s;transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;width:250px;} {transform: translateX(0px);transition-property: all;transition-property: transform;transition-duration:0.7s;transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;} Hope this helps anybody else!.jodadev. pro commented 7 years ago
Hi amelcher, do you happen to know how to change the background color of the original code? Like without those trees or leaves in the bottom and different color? thanksamelcher pro commented 7 years ago
Jonathan, The background styles for the sidenav are controlled from the #slide-out line. The background MDB uses in their sidebar is the .sn-bg-4 if you where change that class to .white for inatance it would change the background of the sidebar to the color white, however you would also need to add the .white class to the ul class (directly underneath the #slide-out id to change the look of the sidebar to white (if you were going to change the MDB sidebar nav they currently use). Hope this helps :) Adam.jodadev. pro commented 7 years ago
Hi amelcher, than you so much for the help!! So I was able to change the color however it only changes the color up to the last dropdown which in this case is the "contact me" dropdown. Below that, it remains the original color. Any idea what can I do to change the whole side bar background color? I tried applying the new color at the end of the list but there really isn't anything there since that's where the side bar ends and navbar starts; so not sure where to apply the new color/class in order for the whole side bar to take effect. Any ideas would be appreciated, I'm half way there! haha. Thanks again!
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
amelcher pro commented 7 years ago
so forgetting mobile side of things, what would I need to do to enable a left and right sidenav js wise? Thanks for your help on this and your swift reply. AdamFREE CONSULTATION
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