Topic: Issues (cropped screen) with 'full-page-intro' – Full Page Intro, no navbar
asked 6 years ago
I'm making use of amazing MDB for my project of single landing page for domain selling. I'm using the Full Page Intro suggested layout and it works ok except for some views in small devices, usually when seeing them in landscape view mode. It also happens in PC screens depending of the window width. In those cases, probably because the contents are 'bigger' than expected, the page shows cropped with no option to see the full contents. And in this very case not even letting the form to be sent. Am I doing anything wrong or is it a bug?
You can check the website online here:
And some screenshots as how you see it when cropped (note the scrollbar):
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
answered 6 years ago
Finally I solved it by removing MDB and making use of the Bootstrap4 d-flex features to have a full screen page. I've lost the fade-in effect but now the whole content can be seen without being cropped. The form beautification I just tried to reply with custom CSS. For the Font Awesome icons I compiled them through so that the webpage only loads the necessary icons and don't overloads.
It now works, so I'm marking it as solved. Thank you for the attention.
answered 6 years ago
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 6 years ago
Please share some details with us. Please show us your code and the screenshothip free commented 6 years ago
Sorry for late reply. I'm not getting notification via email (?) You had the screenshots and link to the very page (so to the code as well), but now it's changed. Anyway, I now solved it. Ty for the attention
Ollie Vincent
answered 6 years ago
hip free commented 6 years ago
Thank you Ollie. No, I'm not playing with my browser window. I'm testing on different existent devices. On most mobiles (resolutions) is NOT working. It DOES crop the contents (both on top and bottom) with NO chance for scroll. It is easily view by visiting the link in original post (above). Then I assume what you mention: It DOES NOT respond to some screen window resolutions, specially to the smaller ones (mobile phones) in this case. At the moment, as a temporary solution, I'll try to cut out some info in my websites (some 10 I have with same structure and similar contents) to make them smaller and avoid cropping. If in need to keep or even add some more contents, I'll post the issue at Stackoverflow or will move to a non-MDB solution. The media queries solution you suggest give no clue at this point. Thank you anyway for your time. Have a good one!
Ollie Vincent
answered 6 years ago
You have some css @media (max-width: 850px) and (min-width: 800px){html, body, header, .view{ height:650px;}}
(as shown in browser).
hip free commented 6 years ago
Ty Ollie. You're right. That CSS I forgot while trying yo get rid of the issue. Now I uploaded with those lines removed. Just the same: at some widths the content is cropped on both top and bottom. CSS is now only default Bootstrap and MDB. :-(FREE CONSULTATION
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