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Topic: file upload plugin integration

morgoth pro asked 6 years ago


I bought mdb pro jquery  4.5.16 and the dragndrop file upload plugin.

mdb pro configured via webpack works like a charm and I'm trying to integrate it with the brand new plugin but there is something wrong.

If I replace the mdb-pro version with the dnd version the sidenav don't works (it seems to be missed, perhaps because is not a pro version... I do not know) and many default css pro style are not present or there are too big differences that I'm not able to work with. I don't want to re-write a lot of existent project code to make it work as espected.

Even when dnd upload seems to work, it displays a message and a "remove" red button (I simply copied your code to give it a try).

I also tried to copy the missing files from dndupload to mdbpro directory structure, but it does not work properly. There is always something missing.

So my question is: is there a tested way to integrate that two or they work separately and there is nothing to do about it?


Thank you in advance

best regards

Anna Morawska staff answered 6 years ago

Hi there,

to integrate fileupload plugin into your MDB Pro version you have to import  fileupload.css file and fileupload javascript file. Please, don't replace your mdb-pro files with it - the fileupload plugin is configured to work with mdb free version, so that's why your premium features don't work. 



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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.5.15
  • Device: mac book pro
  • Browser: Chrome, Firefox
  • OS: osx
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No