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Topic: Determining wich row was checked MD Datatable

marco.carrillo free asked 5 years ago

Background and question I am using one of the templates provided in your webpage, which is fantastic by the way. It works well, I have been able to replicate all of the functionality. What I need to find out, is once a user has selected a row, how do I know which row, or index has been selected?
Thank you.

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

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lemons free answered 5 years ago

Try something like this:

var table = $('#myDataTable').DataTable({/* your initialization stuff*/});

$selected_rows = table.rows({selected:true});
$selected_row_nodes = table.rows({selected:true}).nodes()

// same for rows in search filter
$found_rows = table.rows({'search':'applied'});
$found_rows_nodes = table.rows({'search':'applied'}).nodes();

// do something for each selected rows
    // $(this) = 'tr' element of current row

P.S.: if you want to add custom functionality to datatables I recommend to read the official datatable documentation instead of the few samples here at mdb. Also you have more access to the datatable if you append select: "api" to the datatable initialization. You might need to get the rows tr with row.node() depending on what you want to do...

Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 5 years ago

You right. You can find more advanced config on the official docs. @lemons, good solution.


lemons free commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I prefer to work with the offical docs and use the build in methods as it gives more freedom when interacting a lot with the tables, especially because of pagination. Anyhow one has to read the the docs, when e.g. trying to sort non ISO8601 date formats, implementing data-range filters, export to excel/pdf, adding a multiselect as filter, etc.

Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 5 years ago

Great. I'm glad to hear that everything works well :)


Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago

Hi @marco.carrillo,

You can try to use jQuery to find elements with .selected class.

const slected = $('#tabID').find('.selected');


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.10.1
  • Device: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes