Topic: Customization of toastr notification

Kneidels pro asked 6 years ago


I found this guide very useful:

What i would like to do, is have the icon customized, right now, it depends on the "flavour" of the notification  whether info/success/error etc. How can i replace that icon (which is an font-awesome element?) with my own?

also - it seems that the "click_action" only seems to work on a mobile notification environment - when in web, the toastr block just disappears when you click on it.


Piotr Glejzer staff answered 6 years ago


That icon in toastr it's a background image.

So if you would like to overwrite that you have to use CSS code to do this.

You can set FA5 like that :


Second question --> Yes, It disappears because it's a toast ;) If you would like to stay it you can use modals.



Kneidels pro commented 6 years ago

Thanks Piotr.

That con change might work - thank you.

regarding closing the toastr - you know that it can stay open even  on a permanent basis, right?  but even then - when i click on it i would expect the click action, and not a close toastr action, no?

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 6 years ago

hmm, what device do you use on mobile?

We have a toastr in our icon list search and I checked that with my smartphone ( android ) and It disappeared after a few seconds.

How does it work on your smartphone? 

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