Topic: Custom Skin without Gulp

Randy Marsh free asked 4 years ago

I would like to compile the _custom-skin.scss file by myself but I don't want to use gulp.

I use my own compiler but i can't figure out what paths i'm supposed to input.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

Krzysztof Wilk staff commented 4 years ago


It depends on your compiler. Which one are you using?

Best regards

Randy Marsh free commented 4 years ago


I'm using dart sass, installed via npm and using it through PhpStorm's File Watchers.

Thank you!

Krzysztof Wilk staff commented 4 years ago


We don't have experience with Dart, but it should work like in node-sass. You have to make a file (for example, index.scss) where you'll import all SCSS files you want to compile. Then you have to compile this file as instructed here:

Best regards

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