Topic: Append copy of MDB select not working i 4.8.10+
lassekofoed free asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior When cloning a html select element and calling .materialSelect() on the new object. The select box shows and can be used like a normal materialselect element.
- Working example in version 4.8.10
Actual behavior From version 4.8.11 and forward the new object are show, but can not be unfolded
- Not working from 4.8.11 and forward ( snippet is in 4.12.0 )
Change log describes Major changes to material select component in change log
Please advise
lassekofoed free answered 4 years ago
After testing, i presume that [ ] and . is not allow in the Id field ? I can work around this i my setup, but HTML5 states that ALL chars are valid, so I would say this is a bug ?
Also can you link to a page descripting the $('#${ID}')
never seen this before, and google is not helpful.
Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 4 years ago
Do you mean using variable in the string in this way? It's Template strings:
Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago
Hi @lassekofoed,
I changed a few things in your code.
clone.getElementsByTagName("select")[0].setAttribute("id", x);
Check it.
lassekofoed free answered 5 years ago
The Change log for 4.8.11 states
nativeID has been renamed to selectId
And that lead me to trying things with the id attribute.
a problem that i found is : if I set a Id on the cloned mdb-select element is does not work.
So removing the setAttribute("Id","myid[" + x + "])
makes the mdb-select work.
But that leads to if i dont set one on the clone, the id from to prototype is reused on all mdb-select elements. And this makes all selection in applied to the right select element.
So for now here is a working example with no ID on the clone and no id on the prototype
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