Topic: What difference between MDB for Jquery version and MDB for Angular

tuongnm pro asked 7 years ago

I see one source download for two version? what difference between them

tuongnm pro commented 7 years ago

Please help me. I chose one of them. MD boostrap 4 for jquery Version hoặc MDB for angular? What is differece?

Filip Kapusta premium answered 7 years ago

MDB Pro for jQuery is intended for web developers who choose to use the jQuery library for their projects, similarly Angular version is for AngularJS framework users. They're different in structure and content, you can explore their utilities, components and other documentation here: jQuery version: Angular version:

tuongnm pro commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I want to know what diffence between package one person and 1-10 people. I want to buy but don't know which package i can choose

Filip Kapusta premium commented 7 years ago

One person license means that only one developer can build projects using MDB. If you wanna know more about our licences check this directory:

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  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No