Just downloaded MDB Pro two days ago. Using the latest version available for download. I attempted a compile using Koala for desktop as well as git shell (powershell) and experienced the same error in both processes:
sass mdb.scss:mdb.css
Syntax error: (“lighten-5”: #ffebee, “lighten-4”: #ffcdd2, “lighten-3”: #ef9a9a,
“lighten-2”: #e57373, “lighten-1”: #ef5350, “base”: #f44336, “darken-1”: #e5393
5, “darken-2”: #d32f2f, “darken-3”: #c62828, “darken-4”: #b71c1c, “accent-1”: #f
f8a80, “accent-2”: #ff5252, “accent-3”: #ff1744, “accent-4”: #d50000) isn’t a va
lid CSS value.
on line 32 of mdbfree_mixins.scss, in `button-variant’
from line 194 of mdbfree_buttons.scss
from line 33 of mdb.scss
Use –trace for backtrace.
I have tried to search for solutions, but to no avail. Compile doesn't seem to like multiple colors defined for one variable. Please assist.
Hi, I have the same problem in 3 Laravel Projects.
I use :
sass --cache-location sass-compiler --style compressed .\resources\assets\sass\app.scss .\public\css\app.css
Dear Juliette ,
This error indicates that you have specified wrong path to file.
Assuming that you have unzipped Material Design for Bootstrap framework into C:/mdb directory, change path in console to c:/ and then type
compass watch mdb
Now once you make a change in file, compass should inform you whether it manage to compile code or note.
Hi Dawid,
This is the error that my console threw at me when I type sass --watch mbd.scss
error No such file or directory - mdb.scss
But when I type in compass watch (I'm new to Compass) it appears to be tracking my changes...but I don't see the changes...
Speaking of compiling Sass, I just downloaded MDB (the free version) today to check it out and I'm really digging it so far. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the correct way of compiling Sass is with MDB. Usually I would just create a style.scss file in my directory and then run sass --watch style.scss in my console... I tried sass --watch mbd.scss and it threw me an error.
Could anyone point me in the right direction? I'm new at this....
Amazing! This new version compiles like a charm. I really appreciate how quickly you provided a solution to this! Thank you for your diligence.
Dear dusterbed,
We have fixed the issue and created new version of MDB Pro. I just sent you the link to newest version, or you can download it from your account tab.
Our apologizes for incovenience.
Hi Michael,
I'm not currently using/compiling any other sass-libraries... just this one. I've run a few tests previously with different code (not as complex) and not had a problem.
I replaced my _color.scss file with the file you linked to in the above and receive a very similar error. The only difference I can see is the line reference numbers.
Koala Error
Error: ("lighten-5": #FFEBEE, "lighten-4": #FFCDD2, "lighten-3": #EF9A9A, "lighten-2": #E57373, "lighten-1": #EF5350, "base": #F44336, "darken-1": #E53935, "darken-2": #D32F2F, "darken-3": #C62828, "darken-4": #B71C1C, "accent-1": #FF8A80, "accent-2": #FF5252, "accent-3": #FF1744, "accent-4": #D50000) isn't a valid CSS value.
on line 31 of MDB-Pro/sass - Copy/mdb/free/_mixins.scss, in `button-variant'
from line 203 of MDB-Pro/sass - Copy/mdb/free/_buttons.scss
from line 33 of MDB-Prosass - Copymdb.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
Compass Compile Error (Powershell)
error sass/mdb.scss (Line 31 of sass/mdb/free/_mixins.scss: ("lighten-5": #FFEBEE, "lighten-4": #FFCDD2, "lighten-3": #EF9A9A, "lighten-2": #E57373, "lighten-1": #EF5350, "base": #F44336, "darken-1": #E53935, "darken-2": #D32F2F, "darken-3": #C62828, "darken-4": #B71C1C, "accent-1": #FF8A80, "accent-2": #FF5252, "accent-3": #FF1744, "accent-4": #D50000) isn't a valid CSS value.)
replace file _color.scss in directory sassmdbfree with that one : http://mdbootstrap.com/MDB/_color.scss
Then please let me know what is the outcome of the compilation.
PS: Do you use compass or other sass-libraries ?