Topic: node /express
asked 6 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
import these styles from your SAAS Template Package:
// Landing Page styles @import "landing-page/style";and copy and paste the catalog with this file from SAAS Template Package to your MDB Gulp Pro, Then compile the files. Best, Marta
answered 6 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
drclohite pro commented 6 years ago
1st I bought the MDB SAAS package. I got the Js and css files working fine on my node / express installation. I noticed that things like the datepicker (from following your tutorial) did not work. I thought then that these were pro tools and I should buy the pro version of the software. I then discovered that when I replaced the css files with the pro files my page stopped working properly, so there is something wrong here, unless I am supposed to run both versions? The gradient home page goes white and loses its colouring. My original question above relates to how do I get the functions like date picker to work. I guessed where to place the css and the js - in the static/public file spaces. In any case, they are then hardcoded to the page, so that was achievable. I cannot see any hard code linking to the scss, neither are there instructions about where to place these files, so the functions like date picker still don't work. Also I have MDB-Gulp-Pro and MDB-Pro, they look the same to me. Again I can't see any instructions.drclohite pro commented 6 years ago
file:///C:/Users/Multiple%20Monitors/Downloads/MDB-SAAS-Templates-Pack/html/home/home-gradient-animation.html works with the css files supplied. However, files with the same name are supplied with pro. When you replace the SAAS versions with the PRO the top turns text and background white rendering a blank page. That's too clean a layout! I can change the name of the files to fix this myself. I am interested in getting the functions working, which I am guessing is to do with the SCSS.drclohite pro commented 6 years ago
the home-gradient-animation.html problem lies in the mdb.min.cssdrclohite pro commented 6 years ago
My understanding was to put the scss files into node_modules / bootstrap / scss / but nothing seems to have happened? not sure, difficult to tellFREE CONSULTATION
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