Topic: MDBootstrap responsive audio player / embed.
Tech Labx
asked 7 years ago
When we can we get a nice minimal material audio player that we can use on our pages. I know there are lots of plugins out there that some of you are about to comment down there, but the embed for media is video with its respective aspect ratios as displayed here on this site. It would be cool and well appreciated to make and audio embed too with material goodness that's responsive too. I figured out this one but its not responsive on very small screens. Any bright ideas?? :)
<audio class="embed-responsive-item" controls="" preload="none"> <source src="assets/files/audio/07%20-%20Contradiction.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio>
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Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
could you show the demo with this embed?
Tech Labx free commented 7 years ago
That's the code i pasted in my question, i resort to using media queries to make the .embed-responsive-item { width: 100%; }. It works fine so far, that's default html5 audio.FREE CONSULTATION
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- Technology: General Bootstrap questions
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