Avrohom free asked 7 years ago


Was wondering if it is possible to place a .navbar-brand or website logo horizontally in the center (middle) of a .nav component.

I have tried for hours but couldn't get it.


Ollie Vincent pro commented 7 years ago

Hi, What do you mean? Do you mean a centred logo with nav links either side? Or centered logo with nav links on left/right?

Avrohom free commented 7 years ago

Hi @Ollie, Thanks for your reply. Yes, I wanted a centered logo with nav links far right and far left.

Ollie Vincent pro answered 7 years ago


You HTML will look something like this:

<nav class="mb-1 navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark default-color">

<aclass="navbar-brand m-auto mobile-show"href="#">Navbar</a>



aria-expanded="false"aria-label="Toggle navigation">



<divclass="collapse navbar-collapse"id="navbarSupportedContent-3">

<ulclass="navbar-nav mr-auto">

<liclass="nav-item active">

<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Home





<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Features</a>



<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Pricing</a>


<liclass="nav-item dropdown">

<aclass="nav-link dropdown-toggle waves-effect waves-light"id="navbarDropdownMenuLink-3"data-toggle="dropdown"aria-haspopup="true"



<divclass="dropdown-menu dropdown-default"aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink-3">

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Another action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Something else here</a>




<aclass="navbar-brand m-auto mobile-hide"href="#">Navbar</a>

<ulclass="navbar-nav ml-auto nav-flex-icons">


<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light">

<iclass="fa fa-twitter"></i>




<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light">

<iclass="fa fa-google-plus"></i>



<liclass="nav-item dropdown">

<aclass="nav-link dropdown-toggle waves-effect waves-light"id="navbarDropdownMenuLink"data-toggle="dropdown"aria-haspopup="true"


<iclass="fa fa-user"></i>


<divclass="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right dropdown-default"aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Another action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Something else here</a>







And your CSS something like this:

   @media(min-width:992px){.mobile-show{display: none;}}

    @media(max-width: 991px){.mobile-show{display: block;}
.mobile-hide{display: none;}}


Avrohom free commented 7 years ago

Dear Ollie, Many thanks for your kind help. In principle this is the way to follow. However I have changed a few things. 1) Instead of using ml-auto and mr-auto, I have utilized the Bootstrap grid layout system and assigned col classes. That's because the m{x}-auto gives you calculated margins in addition to elements own size. So a element with 5 items + the computed margins will differ in size from a element that has only got two sub-elements, resulting in that the navbar-brand Icon/text I want to have in the middle not to be exactly centered. 2) Thanks for the @media suggestions. But I think that with Bootstrap 4 you can use already available classes for them. So for the first instance I gave .d-lg-none, and for the second navbar-brand instance I gave .d-none .d-lg-flex. (The nav is expanded at the lg breakpoint .navbar-expand-lg). All the best.

Ollie Vincent pro answered 7 years ago

I suggest you create a second instance and style them in media queries to show on specific devices.

Ollie Vincent pro answered 7 years ago


I have only looked at it on desktop and not mobile. To have the brand show at the top you could use media queries.

You could try something like this:

<nav class="mb-1 navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark default-color">



aria-expanded="false"aria-label="Toggle navigation">



<divclass="collapse navbar-collapse"id="navbarSupportedContent-3">

<ulclass="navbar-nav mr-auto">

<liclass="nav-item active">

<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Home





<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Features</a>



<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Pricing</a>


<liclass="nav-item dropdown">

<aclass="nav-link dropdown-toggle waves-effect waves-light"id="navbarDropdownMenuLink-3"data-toggle="dropdown"aria-haspopup="true"



<divclass="dropdown-menu dropdown-default"aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink-3">

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Another action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Something else here</a>




<aclass="navbar-brand m-auto"href="#">Navbar</a>

<ulclass="navbar-nav ml-auto nav-flex-icons">


<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light">

<iclass="fa fa-twitter"></i>




<aclass="nav-link waves-effect waves-light">

<iclass="fa fa-google-plus"></i>



<liclass="nav-item dropdown">

<aclass="nav-link dropdown-toggle waves-effect waves-light"id="navbarDropdownMenuLink"data-toggle="dropdown"aria-haspopup="true"


<iclass="fa fa-user"></i>


<divclass="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right dropdown-default"aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Another action</a>

<aclass="dropdown-item waves-effect waves-light"href="#">Something else here</a>






Avrohom free commented 7 years ago

Many thanks @Ollie, Problem with this approach is that since the navbar-brand is within the collapsible div. That is hidden on a mobile (small) view. How can I have it shown outside the collapsible div?

Avrohom free commented 7 years ago

Also toggler button appears on the left side instead of right side.

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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