Topic: lightbox with different image sizes and formats
Chris Sweeney premium asked 7 years ago
<figure class="col-md-4">
<a href="" data-size="1600x1067">
<img src="" class="img-fluid">
The data-size="1600x1067" part seems to be critical in getting the lightbox to work.
However, I'm trying to load the images dynamically and they are a mix of portrait and landscape of differing dimensions. These dimensions aren't stored in the database.
Is this possible, and if so, what modifications are required to allow for these variations?
Many thanks
lede premium answered 4 years ago
This is still a problem, most of the time you aren't going to know the image size so I find the MDB Lightbox module unusable. Other implementations don't require a size and they're also far more flexible in how you can use them. In your carousel example it would be much better if all the images in all the slides could be put in 1 gallery. It has been implemented in a really weird way and needs an overhaul.
Most Lightbox implementations just use data-gallery to specify which gallery images belong to rather than having to be figures within a div. What happens when you want images in cards to Lightbox etc? Unfortunately for me this means using a separate Lightbox library
Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 4 years ago
please, create a snippet showing your problem here: I'll try to help you.
MichalBKuber free answered 5 years ago
I wrote up a solution for this :
var imageSizeProportion = $('img')[index].width / $('img')[index].height;
var width = '1600';
var height = '1067';
imageSizeProportion > 1.5 ? height = (1600/imageSizeProportion).toString() : width = (1067*imageSizeProportion).toString();
var fullsize = width + 'x' + height;
$('.mdb-lightbox a')[index].attributes[1].value = fullsize;
Good luck!
colinherzog free answered 5 years ago
I'm waiting too. Please address this problem asap.
Marta Wierzbicka staff commented 5 years ago
for now, you can use different data-size like here:
Best, Marta
Alan CA free answered 5 years ago
Even with the data-size attribute being filled in incorrectly, the following CSS hack solved the issue for me, but the enlarged image might not be centered correctly however:
.pswp__img {
max-height: 100% !important;
width: auto !important;
Marta Wierzbicka staff answered 5 years ago
would you show me an example when you tried to use this solution? You can create a snippet here: and present me your code.
Best, Marta
Pozuelos pro answered 5 years ago
Hi i found in faqs from Swipebox (lightbox) the solution:
If thumbnail aspect ratio does not match large image, do not define msrc property for slide
objects and enable opacity transition option (showHideOpacity:true, getThumbBoundsFn:false). If aspect ratio of thumbnail image file matches large image, but thumbnail area is cropped via CSS, just add showHideOpacity:true and make sure that getThumbBoundsFn option returns coordinates that consider crop area.
How can I change these parameters in mdbootstrap?
Marta Wierzbicka staff answered 7 years ago
Diego pro commented 5 years ago
Hi Marta,
Did you guys find out a way to center the images?
Marta Wierzbicka staff commented 5 years ago
if you mean images in the lightbox component, the actual code is here: We still use the data-size
attribute. If you have a more specific problems that you need help, please provide a code and I'll try to help you.
Best, Marta
Chris Sweeney premium answered 7 years ago
Aletiger premium answered 7 years ago
Hi Marta,
I'm interested in that solution too.
Can you share with us the code?
Thanks in advance,
Marta Wierzbicka staff answered 7 years ago
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