Topic: How can i change the default colors of several forms (slider, switch, radio buttons etc.)?
asked 6 years ago
how can i change the default color of all the native bootstrap and mdb addons?
Sliders, Switch, radio btn, checkbox etc.
Default is blue.
i tried via scss and gulp, but there is no color variable for the several form layouts.
How can i achieve this? Recompile mdb.min.css via scss?
thx in advance
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Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
it's different for each of addons.
For slider:
in pro/range.scss change each $primary-color variable for your color value.
For switch:
in pro/switch.scss change each background-color for your color value.
For checkbox:
in pro/checkbox.scss change border-right, border-bottom color variable to your color value and $secondary-color variabke to your color value.
For input:
in free/forms.scss change border-bottom and box-shadow colors to your color value.
For radio btn:
in pro/radio.scss change border and background-color color variable to your color value.
After all these changes you have to recompile your css.
ebebendel pro commented 6 years ago
Hi Marta, great! works fine now, i changed all colors. thxFREE CONSULTATION
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Specification of the issue
- ForumUser: Pro
- Premium support: No
- Technology: General Bootstrap questions
- MDB Version: -
- Device: independent
- Browser: independent
- OS: independent
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No