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Blissy pro asked 7 years ago

Hi, I cant find the lesson named "Creating full page carousel" could you possibly send me a link to it or the necessary coding needed to produce a full page carousel. Thanks.

Blissy pro answered 7 years ago

Just to let you know Mikolaj, i changed tether.min.js to js/popper.min.js, the  js/popper.min.js was already in my ‘js’ folder and it still didn't work. Then I noticed that the JQuery  link in my HTML was  ”js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js”  and in the js folder it was jQuery v3.2.1. So, i changed the link to ”js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js” and everything is working okay now.

Mikołaj Smoleński staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Paul, Please change 'tether.min.js' to 'popper.min.js' and everything sholud work correctly. After changes it will look like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/popper.min.js"></script> You also need to download that script and place it in 'js' folder. Regards

Blissy pro answered 7 years ago

Start your code here
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Blissy pro answered 7 years ago

  My  version of MDB:- * Material Design for Bootstrap 4 * Version: MDB PRO 4.4.1

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 7 years ago

Please share your code with us

Blissy pro answered 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply Michal. I have copied all the code over including the template css but the carousel is not moving. Any idea why?

Michal Szymanski staff answered 7 years ago

Hi. This tutorial was outdated and we removed it. If you want to use such a carousel you can just grab a code from this example:

Blissy pro commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply Michal. I have copied all the code over including the template css but the carousel is not moving. Any idea why?

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 7 years ago

What's your version of MDB?

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