Topic: footer on bottom not working
Gustavo Almeida
asked 8 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
class, you can use position: relative
setting, like here:
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bottom: 0;
position: relative;
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background-size: cover;
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Marta Wierzbicka
answered 7 years ago
Cameron Owen priority commented 7 years ago
I'm having the same issue. Once you set the position to absoulute, if you have the footer on the same page as "full-bg-img" the footer will sit on top and cut off your full background. Essentially what I'm trying to do is get the footer to sit under the content on the page unless there is no or limited content in which case the footer should be stuck to the bottom.
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 8 years ago {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
newtongamajr pro commented 7 years ago
Hi, When I add this CSS to the footer it passes an overlapping to the content according the page scroll. What can I do?FREE CONSULTATION
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