Topic: CRUD
asked 7 years ago
HiI have been struggling to find an example of a CRUD system written for mdbootstrap, MODAL, PHP, PDO using MySQL database. I have been able to find lots of examples of CRUD systems, when I try and integrate into my mdbootsrap, say double navigation framework there are many conflicts, so I am starting from scratch.
I have just done some research on this site and come across the many tables formats, sorting, pagination etc, which I will now use as my starting point, and then integrate my PDO connection to MYSQL database using PHP scripts, then hopefully I can add the modal code to provide the dialogues for edit, view and insert.
answered 7 years ago
Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Sure! We will be putting more and more focus on tutorials :) However, as for now, I cannot provide you any estimated day. Please follow us on social media to get the notification about new tutorials and updates.
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
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