Topic: Changing icon+font on Toastr-Alert?

peter.andreasson pro asked 6 years ago

Is there an easy way of changing the icon+font of a Toastr-alert?

Marta Wierzbicka free answered 5 years ago


toastr.js is an external plugin in our package and for the nearest future, we don't plan to create other toasts than these which already exists. You still need to create a custom code if you want to modify our toasts. You can use code from here:

Best, Marta

Marta Wierzbicka free answered 6 years ago


would you create a snippet showing the problem here: I'll try to help you.

Best, Marta

Kneidels pro answered 6 years ago

Great idea - would love to see this happen

Ash Moodley free answered 6 years ago

Hi i wanted to make a custom toast and had to do some minor changes to it to use 'blank' toast

By that i mean just a message without you forced to use the toast with info or success or danger icon

Firstly choose a type of toast eg the info toast , customise (overide) it in the css and  ! important  a few things

background-color: #222222;
background-image:none !important; /*Removes Pesky Default Toast Icon*/
padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px !important; /*Corrects Spacing for default icon*/

toastr["info"]("<i class='fas fa-bell'></i><a href=''> You Have 6 New Notfications !</a>")

Would be nice if you guys have added in a default toast with no forced icons 'Blank'  Toast

Marta Wierzbicka free commented 6 years ago

Hi, thank you for the suggestion, we will take it into consideration. Best, Marta

Marta Wierzbicka free answered 6 years ago

Hi, something like this? <a class="text-info" onclick="'Hi! I am info message.');"><i class="fa fa-android" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> Best, Marta

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