Topic: Automation tutorial

Donald Boers free asked 7 years ago

I first followed the basic Automation tutorial, where after pressing a button the content appeared. Everything worked well. So I decided to proceed with the extended  Automation tutorial but for some unclear reason in the first lesson, the dynamic content doesn't appear at all. This is the JS for the container:

"use strict;"
BF.container = "GVR791";
BF.inactiveLabels = [];
BF.inactiveScores = [];
BF.inactiveModals = [];
BF.modalhtml = [];
BF.inactiveGoals = [];
BF.macro = [];
BF.dynamicContentsHTML = {"ljy":"<div class="view overlay hm-white-slight"><img src="" class="img-fluid" alt=""><a href=""><div class="mask"></div></a></div><div class="card-body"><h4 class="card-title">Download our free e-book</h4><p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p><a id="download" href="" class="btn btn-primary">Download</a></div></div>n"};

Does anybody see what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance

Donald Boers free answered 7 years ago

His Sebastian.

Thanks again for the reply. I just did what you said and everything is working great now. Thank you so much for your input and patience.

Best regards,
Donald Boers

Edit: Maybe you guys should mention this about the yes/no option in the tutorial

Donald Boers free answered 7 years ago

Hello Sebastian.

I just added  the last part of the tutorial to change from the download card to subscribtion card to the offer card, and in my opinion I did everything how it should be but it isn't working.  Unfortunately I can not check the code that was created so I can not see what I have done wrong. Can you please check what I have done wrong. Container is GVR791

Thank you in advance
Regards Donald

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 7 years ago

Hello Donald, I took a look at your container and this is what I found: 1. In the "New User label" you have set an unnecessary condition "Has label New User label" in "New User label trigger". Plase, remove it from this trigger. 2. In the "Downloaded ebook label" you have set the wrong condition "Has not label Subscribed label" in "Downloaded ebook remove label trigger". Please, change it to "Has label Subscribed label" in the same way you did it for "New User content trigger" 3. In the "New User content trigger" there is set the wrong condition "Has not label [...]". This one also should be "Has label [...]" Please, follow my suggestions and let me know if there are still any problems. Best regards, Sebastian

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, Really appreciate detailed steps. Everything is clear now. First 5 steps are perfectly done. The problem is in the 6th one. As you already noticed, there is a "yes/no" switch in the labels list. And the default option is "no". So you have set the "New User content trigger" condition to does not have "New User label". But at the same time, you have defined that the "New User label" should be added as soon as you enter the, and this is why the content is never shown. The condition does not have is never fulfilled since you are adding the label directly after entering mentioned URL. The complete explanation of this case can be described as follows: You [D]: Plase add "New User label" as soon as the URL contains [B]rand[F]low: Ok, you have entered the mentioned page, so I've added the label. [D]: Also, please show "New User content", but only if I don't have "New User label" [BF] Oops! You already have the label so I won't show the dynamic content. I hope all is now clear for you. The solution for this case is to click "yes" when you are setting the label in the "New User content trigger" Best regards, Sebastian

Donald Boers free commented 7 years ago

Hi Sabastian. Thank you for the clear explanation. I will follow the steps as explained. I keep you informed. One last question though. Can I click the yes in the edit mode, or should I delete everything again and start all over again. Best regards. Donald

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 7 years ago

Hi, Yes, you can edit the trigger named “New User content trigger”. Simply click it and in the modal which will show click "Labels" button. Then "Remove" current label, change an option to "yes" and "Set" it again. Then "Done" and "Save". Finally "Publish changes", and everything should work fine. Regards, Sebastian

Donald Boers free answered 7 years ago

Hi Sebastian.

Thank you for the fast reply. I'm trying to get this straight. I just deleted everything I did so far and made a fresh start. This are the steps I took so far:

1.) Creating condition: New User condition url contains Save

2.) Creating label: New User label SAVE

3.) Setting trigger: Add label if:New User label trigger Condition:New User condition url contains SET/DONE/SAVE

4.) Create wrapper for dynamic content Name:Basic Automation wrapper ID: basic-automation-wrapper SAVE

5.) Create dynamic content Name: New User content Pasted content in code box SAVE

6.) Set trigger for content Name: New User content trigger Label: New User label SET/DONE/SAVE/SAVE

7.) Publish settings

Can you please have a look if this are the right steps


EDIT:  What I noticed when setting the New User content trigger  The second column under label has a heading Does/Doesn't have label with a yes and no option. Should I cliuck on yes?

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Donald, From what I see, you have two conflicting triggers: 1. Add a label if URL contains, 2. Show dynamic content if has not the label I'm pretty sure that you already see what's wrong but I will explain it to you. Basically, what happens is: 1. You enter your localhost main page: 2. The first trigger fires and from now on, you have a label 3. The second trigger fires but you already have the label and the condition says "if has not" so dynamic content will never show The solution depends on you, to be honest, because you have to decide what you want to achieve. But my suggestion is to either delete the first trigger or change the condition in the second trigger. Best regards, Sebastian

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