Topic: Very Annoying Modals
asked 6 years ago
During work when I'm logged in to MDB site, the modal marketing dialogs that present themselves on each page transition interrupt workflow. I've already purchaed MDB Pro, so they are not only useless, but they are annoying and they DIMINISH PERCIEVED VALUE of the product. Is there a way to turn them off or to suspend their operation so I can peacefully use the product I've already purchased without interruption and annoyance?
Filip Kapusta
answered 6 years ago
As a matter o fact, there only should be one modal right now, which should be shown only once to you. If you're getting more than one that's clearly a bug, and we're thankful for reporting that. We'll do anything in our power to find the cause of that but we'd be thankful if you'd help us to identify it.
Next time you see a modal please:
- make sure that you're not in Incognito mode (if you're working in incognito, the modals can indeed repeat themselves)
- take a screenshot of that modal and send it directly to me:
Thank you in advance!
gkondrach pro commented 6 years ago
For perusing MDB use mostly Firefox. I sign in then as I work I open mutiple pages in tabs. Setting = NEVER REMEMBER HISTORY (which shares settings with PRIVATE BROWSING). Is this the cause of issue?
More texture:
In Support site, I often open multiple tabs on issues that are relevant. RT-CLICK ... OPEN-IN-NEW-TAB. Each tab spawns its own modal.
If I open same issue on two tabs:
#2 tab has NO MODAL IF first tab is open with MODAL present
Close #1 + #2 tabs then reopen same issue, YES MODAL on #3 NO MODAL on #4.
If I DISMISS MODAL on tab #1, then tab #2 is YES MODAL.
Tab #2 is aware of MODAL in #1, but awareness is lost when MODAL is dismissed?
gkondrach pro commented 6 years ago
ANSWER: The Firefox settings caused the behavior. Thank you.
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