Topic: Upload files
asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior When i select file when i click Upload it should upload my file to my server.
Actual behavior When i click upload button the 'this.uploadInput.emit(event)' function is trigger but absolutely nothing happen.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
startUpload(): void {
console.log("should upload");
const event: UploadInput = {
type: 'uploadAll',
url: ${environment.notifyEndPoint}api/upload
method: 'POST',
data: { foo: 'bar' },
this.files = [];
this.uploadInput.emit(event) ;
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Gay pro commented 5 years ago
I cant even get the regular file from your 'UploadFile' object to send it to my server by my own method.
Damian Gemza staff commented 5 years ago
Dear @Gay
Please provide me with the full code of this example - HTML and TS. Are you sure, that server endpoint is created properly?
Please take a look at the tutorial which we have created for the File Input:
Best Regards,