Topic: Textarea not auto resizing when there is default text
asked 6 years ago
Pre populating text area with lots of text, that has class md-textarea-auto, the text area does not auto resize to the appropriate size. We are using version 7.2.0. With the following code:
<div class="md-form">
<textarea type="text" id="form7" class="md-textarea md-textarea-auto form-control" mdbInput></textarea>
<label for="form7">Auto resizing textarea</label>
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 6 years ago
Thank you for letting us know about this problem. It should be resolved in next version.
rrosales free commented 5 years ago
Hi, how are you?
This issue is not fixed yet.
Thanks Regards!
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
We will take a closer look at that. How exactly do you add the default value for textarea element?
answered 4 years ago
I am using the latest version of the Angular MDB library (10.1.1) and this bug obviously still exists.
When using textarea with auto-resize there still is a vertical scrollbar when the textarea is populated with text on init. After adding text at the end of the initial content, the scrollbar disappears and everything looks like expected.
Is there any update on this?
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 4 years ago
@Schermbecker Can you provide HTML/TS code so we can reproduce that on our end?
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- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 7.0.0
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