Topic: Tag indicates a broken commit

Denis free asked 6 years ago

user@pc:/tmp/ng-uikit-pro-standard$ git tag6.

user@pc:/tmp/ng-uikit-pro-standard$ git checkout 7.4.0

Note: checking out '7.4.0'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimentalchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in thisstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you maydo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

git checkout -b

HEAD сейчас на 8606c64... Release 7.4.0

user@webim-pc:/tmp/ng-uikit-pro-standard$ cat public_api.d.ts

<<<<<<< HEADexport * from './ng-uikit-pro-standard/index';

\=======export * from './lib/free/badge/index';export * from './lib/free/breadcrumbs/index';export * from './lib/free/buttons/index';export * from './lib/free/cards/index';export * from './lib/free/carousel/index';export * from './lib/free/charts/index';export * from './lib/free/checkbox/index';export * from './lib/free/collapse/index';export * from './lib/free/dropdown/index';export * from './lib/free/icons/index';export * from './lib/free/input-utilities/index';export * from './lib/free/inputs/index';export * from './lib/free/modals/index';export * from './lib/free/navbars/index';export * from './lib/free/popover/index';export * from './lib/free/tables/index';export * from './lib/free/tooltip/index';export * from './lib/free/waves/index';export * from './lib/free/mdb-free.module';export * from './lib/pro/accordion/index';export * from './lib/pro/alerts/index';export * from './lib/pro/animations/animations.component';export * from './lib/pro/auto-completer/index';export * from './lib/pro/auto-format/index';export * from './lib/pro/autocomplete/index';export * from './lib/pro/cards/index';export * from './lib/pro/date-picker/index';export * from './lib/pro/easy-charts/index';export * from './lib/pro/file-input/index';export * from './lib/pro/inputs/index';export * from './lib/pro/material-select/index';export * from './lib/pro/preloader/index';export * from './lib/pro/progressbars/index';export * from './lib/pro/range/index';export * from './lib/pro/scroll-spy/index';export * from './lib/pro/sidenav/index';export * from './lib/pro/smoothscroll/index';export * from './lib/pro/stepper/index';export * from './lib/pro/sticky-content/index';export * from './lib/pro/tabs-pills/index';export * from './lib/pro/tags/index';export * from './lib/pro/time-picker/index';export * from './lib/mdb.module';

> > > > > > > f220af6587333cb3d5c3dc93eb66e89014e9b3e4

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Denis,

I have removed the old 7.4.0 tag and added the new, working 7.4.0 tag.

So please check if you're able to install working version from #7.4.0 tag.

Best Regards,


Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Denis,

This problem was resolved on Monday. Please remove the package-lock.json / yarn.lock and node_modules directory, and execute npm install command one more time.

Best Regards,


Denis free commented 6 years ago

Hello, Damian.

Read carefully my previous message. I install it like this: git + https: // oauth2: bla @ / angular / ng-uikit-pro-standard.git # 7.4.0 and this does not work for me, since the tag indicates an incorrect commit (please do the steps I described above before answering)

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