Topic: Responsive-DataTable

Aroquiassamy LA ROZE priority asked 6 years ago

Hi @Damian,

Wheather is there any Responsive Datatable as it is in the link to datatables.netWhere Responsive means not scrolling on x-axis want to add a button as it is in the link.So,If not then what is the compaitable jquery version to use with MDB.!

I want the table looks like this in mobile version

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Aroquiassamy LA ROZE,

We're not having another responsive table than this one with scrolling in X axis.

We'll think about implementing this in the future, but I can't provide you with some ETA on that.

Best Regards,


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 7.0.0
  • Device: Desktop-Lenova
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes