Topic: Pre Select first item in mdb-select
Declan Ward
asked 1 year ago
Expected behavior
The list is populated with an array of objects.
<mdb-option *ngFor="let yearMonth of yearMonths" [value]="[yearMonth.Date]">
{{yearMonth.Date | date:'MMM yyyy' }}
<span *ngIf="includecount">({{ yearMonth.DocumentCount }} )</span>
I would like to, on load, effectively click the first item in the list and fire the valueChange event.
Actual behavior
I can achieve this with
My difficulty is that the selection is not displayed.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
This is the result.
This is what I want to achieve
I have tried setting selectedValue as per docs without success.
Define selectedValue
selectedValue = new FormControl();
<mdb-select [formControl]="selectedValue"
And when the data is loaded for the select:
this.selectedValue = new FormControl(this.yearMonths[0].Date);
Declan Ward
answered 1 year ago
Thank you Rafal.
I have found the problem:
<mdb-option *ngFor="let yearMonth of yearMonths" [value]="[yearMonth.Date]">
should be
<mdb-option *ngFor="let yearMonth of yearMonths" [value]="yearMonth.Date">
I had [] around yearMonth.Date :(
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- Technology: MDB Angular
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Rafał Seifert free commented 1 year ago
Could you edit your post and provide full code sample how your not working code is currently set up? We could not recreate your problem. Adding the : this.selectedValue = new FormControl(this.yearMonths[0].Date); to ngOnInit works good in our demo example.