Topic: Popover clickOutside help
asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior I would like to create a popover that closes when I click outside of it and it is still and have clickable links inside of it.
Actual behavior when I use "triggers=focus" it closes if I click inside.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 5 years ago
Please take a look at this example in our documentation. You can add 'triggers="focus" input to the button element to close the popover on outside click.
haker.ben free commented 5 years ago
my popover is a list of links. when I use 'triggers="focus'" the popover closes even if I click inside the popover because the button lost focus.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
Unfortunately, currently there is no built-in method for such behavior. We will take a closer look at that. I can't provide an ETA for the fix yet, but it should be available in next version.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
This feature will be available in next MDB Angular version (next week). You will need to add [outsideClick]="true" input to the element with mdbPopover directive.
Mehdi Shariatzadeh priority commented 5 years ago
Is there an option for jQuery?
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 years ago
For questions related to jQuery version please create new thread in jQuery section.
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