Topic: Multiple Charts in One A5 component

bhazard free asked 7 years ago

First, GREAT stuff -- THANK YOU! I'd like to put multiple charts in one A5 component.  Is there a way to target a canvas by ID? Thx!

Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago

Dead bhazard, The easiest way to do it, is to create one component for each chart, and then in one component combine all of these charts-components. For example, you're having 5 charts-components, and app component. In app-component you're rendering those 5 charts-components. Best Regards, Damian

bhazard free commented 7 years ago

Hi Damian, thx for the answer. We had considered that, but it is really not a great solution in our particular case. If not possible today, then can I request a feature to allow targeting by ID? Thx! Bill

Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago

I'll add this to our nice-to-have list, but I can't provide you any ETA on this because we've got a lot of other things to finish. Best Regards, Damian

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