Topic: Merge ng-admin-pro with angular_pro please
Samantha Létourneau
asked 6 years ago
I got two licences. One for MDB Admin Template Pro (Angular version) and the other for Material Design for Bootstrap Pro (Angular version). To get all features from both packages, I have to npm install the first one, then delete the .tgz file, then import the other one, then npm install. Would you merge both features into one packages please for people who got the require licenses please. Thanks
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Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 6 years ago
Dear vialeda,
Currently, we don't plan to combine those two packages together. You can import archive file from Pro version to Admin Template, run npm install and it should work correctly.
Hire our experts to build a dedicated project. We'll analyze your business requirements, for free.
Specification of the issue
- ForumUser: Priority
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 6.2.3
- Device: tablette, mobile
- Browser: chrome
- OS: windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No